$RIZ Staking User Guide
Last updated
Last updated
The Staking Page allows you to stake your $RIZ and $wRIZ tokens to earn rewards. Staking is a process where you lock up your tokens to support the network and, in return, receive additional tokens as a reward.
Navigate to https://stake.rivalz.ai/ or click staking tab on the zNode panel
Select Stake $RIZ from the sidebar
Click Connect Wallet at the top-right of the page.
Choose your preferred wallet (e.g., MetaMask, WalletConnect).
Authorize the connection to interact with the staking platform.
1. Enter the Stake Amount
In the Amount to Stake field, input the number of tokens you wish to stake or click MAX to stake your entire available balance.
2. Review APY and Earnings
The platform will display the Current APY.
Expected Monthly and Daily Earnings will update based on your input.
3. Acknowledge the Lockup Period
A 14-day lockup period applies to your staked tokens. You can only claim your tokens after this period.
4. Confirm and Stake
Click the Stake button.
Approve the transaction in your wallet.
Staked Tokens
Your total staked $RIZ or $wRIZ will be displayed in the Your Total Staked section on the right.
Claimable Rewards
View your Total Claimable Rewards in the Claimable Rewards section.
Individual staking entries show the staked amount, status (e.g., Claimable, Lockup - X days left), and available actions.
1. Check Claimable Status
Entries marked Claimable are ready for claiming.
2. Claiming Process
Click Claim to receive rewards.
Alternatively, select Unstake and Claim to withdraw your staked tokens along with rewards.
Ensure you have sufficient gas fees to complete staking and claiming transactions.
APR and rewards may vary based on the network and staking conditions.
For any further assistance or information please join our discord and open a ticket