rClient Rewards

Table presents a metric for Rivalz rNodes that receive rewards proportional to factors such as uptime, allowed storage, CPU, RAM, and internet speed:





Multiplicator applied to total Score

The percentage of time the rNode is online and actively participating in the network. Higher uptime indicates greater reliability and contributes more to the network's stability.

Uptime is calculated through hourly snapshots.


over 98% - 1.5x

95-97.999 - 1x 90.01-95%-0.9x

80.01-90.% - 0.7x


under 70% - 0.01x

Allowed Storage


The amount and type of storage capacity the rNode allocates for storing vector data. The storage types and their respective weights are as follows:

- NVME: 200%

- SSD (SATA): 150%

- HDD: 100%

Larger storage capacity and faster storage types contribute more to the network.

100 GB of HHD = 1 point

The amount of storage capacity the rNode allocates for storing vector data. Larger storage capacity allows the rNode to accommodate more data and serve a higher number of users, thereby increasing its contribution to the network.



The computational power and quantity of the rNode's CPUs. The CPU contribution is calculated based on the number of CPU cores and their clock speeds. The normalized CPU score is calculated as follows:

Normalized CPU = (Number of Cores × Clock Speed in GHz) / (Reference Cores × Reference Clock Speed)

Stronger CPU performance enables faster processing of vector database operations, such as similarity searches and queries, improving the overall performance of the network.



The amount and speed of RAM available on the rNode. The normalized RAM score is calculated as follows:

Normalized RAM = (RAM Capacity in GB × RAM Speed in MHz) / (Reference RAM Capacity × Reference RAM Speed)

Higher RAM capacity allows the rNode to handle more concurrent requests and maintain efficient memory management for vector database operations.

Internet Speed


The internet bandwidth and connection speed of the rNode. Faster internet speeds enable quicker data transfer and reduce latency, enhancing the responsiveness of the network. 1 mbps = 1 point.

The reward calculation for each rClient can be based on a weighted average of these factors:



R = Reward

AS = Allowed Storage

NCPU = Normalized CPU

NRAM = Normalized RAM

IS = Internet Speed

UM = Uptime Multiplicator

Last updated