Data Providers

Data Providers are crucial to the Agentic Data Coordination Service (ADCS) ecosystem, supplying the essential data feeds and streams that power AI-driven applications and services. They offer two primary types of data: Data Feeds and Data Streams, each serving different purposes and use cases within the network.

Types of Data Providers

Data Feeds consist of pre-packaged, processed datasets delivered at scheduled intervals, such as hourly, daily, or weekly. These feeds typically provide structured data, organized into clear formats like tables, rows, and columns, and are often aggregated to offer insights or summary information. Data Feeds are ideal for historical analysis, trend monitoring, and applications where real-time data isn’t critical. For example, CoinMarketCap provides cryptocurrency pricing and volume data at regular intervals, while Bloomberg supplies pre-packaged financial data including stock indices and commodities.

On the other hand, Data Streams deliver real-time data continuously and are typically unstructured or semi-structured. Unlike Data Feeds, which provide data at intervals, Data Streams offer immediate access to new information as it is generated. This makes them essential for applications requiring up-to-the-second data updates, such as algorithmic trading, live monitoring, or event-driven applications. Providers like the Binance WebSocket API and the Twitter API offer real-time price data and social media streams, respectively.

Data Provider Workflow

Data Providers begin by registering and authenticating through the ADCS dashboard using their wallet or another secure authentication method. Once registered, they can start submitting data feeds or streams to the ADCS network. For Data Feeds, providers schedule the delivery of pre-packaged datasets at defined intervals, ensuring consistent availability of structured and aggregated data. For Data Streams, providers deliver continuous streams of real-time data, enabling immediate access and processing for time-sensitive applications.

To maintain data quality and reliability, submitted data undergoes a rigorous validation process. ADCS validators assess the accuracy and integrity of the data by executing the same processes as the Data Providers. Accurate submissions enhance the provider’s reputation within the network, while discrepancies may result in penalties or flags for potential issues. This ensures that only trusted and reliable data is utilized, fostering a high-quality data ecosystem.

Benefits for Data Providers

Participating as a Data Provider within ADCS offers several advantages:

  • Monetization Opportunities - Data Providers can monetize their data by selling or renting their data feeds and streams within the Intel Market, creating revenue streams from their data assets.

  • Enhanced Trust and Reliability - The ADCS Reputation System ensures that only trusted and reliable data is utilized, increasing the value and trustworthiness of the providers’ data offerings.

  • Scalability and Flexibility - Providers can offer a wide range of data types and formats, catering to diverse applications and industries within the ADCS network. This flexibility allows Data Providers to scale their offerings based on demand and market needs.

By contributing high-quality data, Data Providers play a pivotal role in maintaining a robust and reliable data ecosystem, empowering AI Agents to make informed and accurate decisions across various domains.

Last updated