zNode Rewards

Highlight of Validator zNode Owner Benefits

  • 2% of Total Supply Airdrop at TGE

  • 25% of Total Supply in network rewards emissions over 2 years for active zNode Owner Participants

  • 25% of tokens reserved for zNodes that are burnt will be reallocated to zNode owners as additional emissions

  • Reward capture through Worker rClient POS slashing

  • Airdrops of AI applications built on Rivalz

  • Reward share from Rivalz Eigen AVS

HOLD and BURN Options

Prior to TGE users will have the ability to choose whether they would like to BURN the node and get instant rewards or HOLD the node and get more significant rewards and long-term benefits. Below is a breakdown of the 2 options:

Option 1: HOLD the zNode

Users who decide to HOLD their zNode and operate for the long term will benefit from everything outlined in the highlight section above including:

  • 2% of Total Supply for Airdrop at TGE

  • 25% of Total Supply for zNode Operators

  • 25% of tokens from burnt zNodes will be redistributed to zNode owners

  • Reward capture through Worker rClient POS slashing

  • Airdrops of AI applications built on Rivalz

  • Reward share from Rivalz Eigen AVS

zNodes will be non-transferable in the first 6 months post-TGE.

Option 2: BURN the zNode (Liquid)

  • Burn zNode before TGE and receive 50% of your reserved tokens (16,891 $RIZ) immediately at TGE. We call this the BurnDrop.

  • The remaining 50% of $RIZ will be split: half would go to the Ecosystem Pool, and the other half to increase reserved $RIZ for those who Hold.

Note: If you burn the zNode you will not be eligible for the Airdrop reserved for the zNodes and you will be disqualified from any additional benefit that comes with the HOLD option. Airdrop from Testnet participation will NOT be affected by this.

Last updated